5 Ways to Reduce your Electricity Bills This Summer – ECO3 Funding

5 Ways to Reduce Your Electric Bill this Summer

Did you know that the average UK household consumes 3,100KWh of electricity each year, according to Government statistics on energy consumption in the UK. With OFGEM taking steps to increase the energy price caps to "provide the stability needed in the energy market, reducing the risk of further large-scale supplier failures" we expect the price per KWh to share a similar fate as the petrol prices we all see every day. Quick to increase, and when the wholesale cost falls the retail price doesn't, with the middle men (ie. 5 out of the big 6 energy suppliers are foreign-owned companies with no shareholder interest in our economy or consumers' wellbeing) making huge windfalls in between.

Sun in Sunspots
This split image shows the difference between an active Sun during solar maximum (on the left, captured in April 2014) and a quiet Sun during solar minimum (on the right, captured in December 2019). (Photo: Nasa)

Will it Be This Hot Every Summer?

In December 2019 the Sun in the center of our solar system that provides all the heat and solar energy on this planet entered into a period called Solar Cycle 25, much to the chagrin of Greta Thundberg and her supporters, this will cause increased solar radiation that will continue hitting our planet for about 11 years and increased solar activity seems like a more plausible explanation of why, despite Greta's best efforts, even the ice age on Mars is ending.

The Solar Cycle is basically when the poles in the Sun switch position, leading to a variation in the activity of the Sun, from sun spots to solar flares. If you follow space news then you will know that the Earth is being hit right now by large waves of solar energy, in fact in just a 2 week period more than 36 solar eruptions and 6 solar flares have been recorded.


Sadly, there is no real way for anyone to make any money from telling people this has any impact on the Earth's climate, but the last time in recorded history where there was zero sunspot activity (1645-1715) the Earth experienced what climate scientists reluctantly refer to as the "Little Ice Age". It is more profitable to encourage everyone to switch to electric cars that are powered using solar panels and windmills that can provide us with electricity when it is sunny and/or the wind is blowing, which lets face it, is the perfect solution for the weather in the UK.

It is probably only a coincidence that the predicted end of the current Solar Cycle happens to coincide with 2030 which is the date that the UK and other western governments have set as the one which we must all cut our carbon emissions to zero, except China, where according to the International Energy Agency 80% of solar panels are manufactured, and where 1 coal fired power plant is being built each week over the next few years, which will probably offset whatever reductions the UK (as a net contributor of 1% of the Global CO2 emissions) is able to achieve by destroying our economy and quality of life.

If the above is true, then we might expect hot summers to peak in 2025/2026 and to start to reduce in 2030, which undoubtedly will be put down to the efforts and miraculous interventions of the pantheon of deified saints of the net-zero movement in every country in the world except for China which only controls the manufacture, sale and supply of pretty much every solution being pushed.

5 Ways to Keep your Electricity Usage Down this Summer

One of the major ways we use electricity in the summer is Air Conditioning. An increasing number of Brits are buying air conditioning units, with the primary and easiest choice being a portable air conditioning unit. If you are looking for one then the best one we recommend for the money based on our tried and tested experience is the HOMCOM brand which is great value for money and a little noisy but works well.

Install & maintain any AC units properly

If you are using a portable air conditioning unit such as the one pictured, make sure you install it properly with the exhaust outlet going outside using a suitable window vent. No matter what type of air conditioning unit you are using, keeping the filters clean and the refrigerant gas at the optimal level will ensure that you are using less electricity.

Some people have also had some success with jerry-rigging a second hose to the intake vent which they fit over the air intake vent, if you are able to intake air from outside the room you are cooling.

Add a small fan to help circulate the cold air more effectively around the room and remember, warm air always rises.

Keep the Curtains Closed

Minimising the amount of sunlight that is coming through the windows can help to reduce the heat inside your home.

Barbecue more often

Summer is a great time to barbecue food, cooking outdoors helps cut down on the amount of electricity you are using with your oven and other electricity intensive appliances in the kitchen!

Microwave & Air Fry not Oven

Microwaves and Air Fryers can use significantly less electricity than conventional ovens, so every meal that you prepare using either of these appliances can save you money.

Use Colder Water

Colder water in your washing machine and while you take showers can help reduce the amount of electricity that you are using. If you are on a tariff offering off-peak times, use electricity-intensive appliances like washing machines or dishwashers during these times.

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