Pest Control in the UK: Top Recommendations to Keep Your Home Pest-Free – ECO3 Funding

Pest Control UK: Keeping your Home Pest-Free

When it comes to pest control in the UK, homeowners face a common challenge. From rats lurking in attics to ants invading kitchens, the need for effective pest management is ever-present.

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Addressing pest control needs is not just about safeguarding your property but also ensuring the safety and well-being of children and pets in the house.

For this comprehensive guide we turned to the experts at Stratton Pest Control, who have experience in helping clients with pest control and prevention for insects, rodents, birds and other pests.

How Do Our Homes Attract Pests?

Bed Bugs

Attraction Mechanism: Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) are primarily attracted to humans. They are drawn by several factors, including:

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  • Carbon Dioxide (CO2): Bed bugs are highly sensitive to carbon dioxide, which we exhale during sleep. They detect elevated CO2 levels as a signal that a potential blood meal is nearby.
  • Body Heat: The warmth emitted by our bodies is another significant attractant for bed bugs. They are drawn to areas where they can sense this heat, such as beds and bedding.
  • Sweat and Body Odor: Bed bugs are also attracted to the scent of human sweat and body odor. They use these odors to locate potential hosts for feeding.


Attraction Mechanism: Ants are primarily attracted by food sources. Their foraging behavior is guided by the following factors:

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  • Food Odors: Ants are highly skilled at detecting food odors. They use their keen sense of smell to locate potential food sources, whether it's sugary spills in the kitchen or crumbs left on the floor.
  • Scent Trails: Once ants discover a food source, they leave chemical scent trails that guide other ants to the same location. This scent trail reinforces their behavior and leads to the formation of ant trails.


Attraction Mechanism: Silverfish are typically attracted to homes because of their preference for damp environments. Their attractants include:

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  • High Humidity: Silverfish thrive in areas with high humidity levels. Basements, kitchens, and bathrooms with moisture issues are more likely to host silverfish infestations.

Mice and Rats

Attraction Mechanism: Rodents like mice and rats are attracted to homes for a combination of reasons:

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  • Food Sources: These pests are constantly on the lookout for food. Access to food waste or unsecured food containers can attract them.
  • Shelter: Rodents are skilled at finding small openings in structures. Once inside, they seek not only food but also a safe place to build nests.


Attraction Mechanism: Flies are attracted to homes due to various factors, including:

  • Decaying Organic Matter: Flies are particularly drawn to decaying organic matter, such as food waste or pet feces. They use their keen sense of smell to locate these food sources.
  • Warmth and Light: Flies are also attracted to warmth and light. Open doors or windows with light streaming in can invite flies indoors.


Attraction Mechanism: Cockroaches are attracted to homes for several reasons, including:

  • Food Debris: Cockroaches are scavengers and are particularly drawn to food debris. Kitchens are their favorite spots due to the abundance of crumbs and leftovers.
  • Warmth and Moisture: Cockroaches prefer warm and moist environments. They are often found near kitchen sinks, bathrooms, and areas with water sources.

Top Advice According to Pest Control Experts

Having a pest problem can not only ruin your day, it can also affect your health and wellbeing of your family and any pets that you have in the household.

According to pest control services, pest problems can be avoided by following some simple advice.

The top advice for keeping your home pest-free, according to experts, is to maintain cleanliness and practice proper hygiene.

This advice is widely endorsed by pest control professionals and organizations like the British Pest Control Association (BPCA) and the National Pest Management Association (NPMA).

Here's why cleanliness is crucial:

Eliminates Attractants

Keeping your home clean and free of food crumbs, spills, and garbage removes the primary attractants for pests like ants, cockroaches, and rodents.

Pests are drawn to accessible food sources, and a clean home deprives them of their sustenance.

Reduces Hiding Places

Regular cleaning allows you to spot signs of pest infestations sooner.

Detecting pests in the early stages of an infestation makes it easier and more cost-effective to address the problem before it worsens.

Promotes Overall Well-Being

Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene not only prevents pest infestations but also contributes to your family's overall well-being.

It reduces the risk of diseases and allergies associated with pests and their droppings.

Early Detection

Regular cleaning and decluttering reduce hiding places for pests.

Pests, such as bed bugs and silverfish, often seek refuge in cluttered and undisturbed areas.

Maintaining a clean and organized home makes it less hospitable for these pests.

Prevents Moisture Buildup

Cleaning also includes fixing leaky pipes, addressing water seepage, and ensuring proper ventilation.

Moisture attracts pests like mosquitoes, termites, and silverfish. By eliminating damp conditions, you discourage these pests from infesting your home.

Maintains Structural Integrity

Some pests, like termites and carpenter ants, can damage the structural integrity of your home.

A clean and well-maintained environment can help you identify signs of structural damage early and take preventive measures.

Other measures you can take help with pest control in the home can include:

  • Seal Entry Points

    Inspect your home for cracks, gaps, and openings that pests can use to enter.

    Seal these entry points using caulk, weatherstripping, or mesh screens on windows and doors.

    Pay special attention to gaps around pipes and utility lines.

  • Secure Food Storage

    Store food in airtight containers, both in the pantry and refrigerator.

    This prevents pests like ants and pantry moths from accessing your food supply.

  • Regular Cleaning

    Vacuum and mop floors regularly to remove food particles and crumbs.

    Pay attention to areas under appliances and furniture.

    Empty and clean pet food bowls daily to prevent attracting pests.

  • Proper Trash Disposal

    Use trash cans with tight-fitting lids and empty them regularly.

    Keep outdoor trash bins away from the house and ensure they have secure lids.

  • Landscaping Maintenance

    Trim bushes and shrubs near your home, as overgrown vegetation can provide shelter for pests like rodents and spiders.

    Keep trees pruned to prevent branches from touching your house.

  • Remove Standing Water

    Eliminate stagnant water sources around your property, as they attract pests like mosquitoes.

    Regularly empty and clean birdbaths, clogged gutters, and flowerpot saucers.

  • Regular Pest Inspections

    Schedule regular pest inspections with a professional pest control service.

    Early detection of pest problems can prevent infestations from becoming severe.

  • Pet Care

    Maintain your pets' hygiene by regularly bathing and grooming them.

    Check for fleas and ticks and use appropriate preventive treatments. Wash pet bedding and toys routinely.

  • Storage Solutions

    Use plastic storage containers in basements and attics rather than cardboard boxes, as pests like silverfish are attracted to cardboard.

    Elevate storage items off the floor to reduce hiding places for pests.

  • Outdoor Maintenance

    Keep your yard well-maintained.

    Remove leaf piles and debris, which can be breeding grounds for pests.

    Consider using gravel or rock mulch instead of organic mulch near the foundation.


  • Fix Plumbing Issues

    Repair leaky faucets and pipes promptly to prevent excess moisture, which attracts pests like cockroaches, silverfish, and termites.

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